(glimpses) – these things are

while warmer spring time days are oh so slowly returning, we had a really nice weekend with a simple, tasty easter meal (a little different from what’s become our traditional fare).

dessert was a strawberry icebox cake made with a very simple homemade vanilla custard… it was very good 🙂  We made this first as it needed time coming together in our “ice box”

for dinner itself, we made a simple but delicious pairing of roast asparagus and pan-seared portobello mushrooms with rolled chicken cutlets filled with caramelized onions and artichoke hearts. a recipe i put together hoping to make our simple meal a little more special.
for the rest of our meal, i was reminded of all the good things that are yet to come when spring thaws the rest of the snow banks.  hope this easter weekend was wonderfully delicious for you and your family too!

(glimpses) – daylight savings baking

i thought with daylight savings time taking an extra hour from our sleep, that i might sleep in just a bit longer, but as it turns out … with the window shades up instead of down… that faintest of dawn light, had me up at baker’s hours …
maybe this week’s morning transition will go be better than i was thinking…
these are friendly homemade cinnamon rolls I made for our early warming…still holding out for winter to end, a warming morning treat feels just right while we wait (still) longer …

and this is a beautiful bit of sunlight i found as i was clearing up after breakfast!

(around the table) – little worlds

it’s funny. … all the little things we have kept in jars, bowls and teacups ….

while one gallon size mason jar houses a very well loved bouncy ball collection, another very humbly keeps a colorful mix of beans for a big pot of our favorite chile or oats for a morning porridge …and still others…random quart jars have seen many fanciful creatures and  lovely little people while we paint ….

It is often while I am busy with my projects and notice the quiet that has settle into our home …. that I take a break to see why ….  most often I come to find yet another project my girl has been found and is busy at work with herself ….

in little glasses found while recycling and other cast-off containers that still with no purpose of their own …

she has made little lands from from the slowly greening world around the edges of our house

from bits of moss and early bird shoots and plants, she has made her own worlds to keep….

(around the table) – kale crisps

With all the sunshine and intervening rain of these long summer months perhaps  rampant stands of vegetation  have grown thick in your garden…

an abundance of hearty growing kale is magically turned into a healthy snack …











Tear leaves into manageable mouth-sized pieces while the thick stalks can be saved for another meal. Wash and dry the kale and drizzle with a tablespoon or two of olive oil . Sprinkle with sea salt  and toss until evenly dressed .

Place on an baking sheet.  Bake In a  preheated oven of 200 F for 30 to 40 minutes and gently turn leaves over if needed once  …

They are ready to eat ….I lost track of time (now was I busy in the workshop?) … so the batch above were crisp, crisp kale, but definitely tasty….. well so that is all.hope you enjoy making and eating them  ….let me know! 🙂

Happy Weekend!!